Food for Bearcans, Tips learned from Summer 2002

Stephanie Wilson, February 2003

Trip: "Lake Basin High Route" Rated S, Extensive XC
Route: South Lake, Bishop Pass, Knapsack Pass, Potluck Pass, Glacier Pass, Mather Pass, Frozen Lake Pass, Lake Basin, Dumbbell Lake Pass, Cataract Creek Pass, John Muir Trail, Bishop Pass
Duration: 9 days 8 nights
Who: 1 leader (me), 7 participants, 5 men, 3 women, age range 20's to 60's
Bear cans required for camping in Dusy Basin and Barrett Lakes.
All food from B2 through L9 packed into Bear Cans.
One can per person, 3 "Bearikades" (Weekender model) and 5 Garcia cans.

Tips and Observations, in no particular order:

Meal Distribution:
Can #87654321
B2 B2 L2 L2 D2 D2 B3 B3
L3 L3 D3 D3 B4 B4 D4 D4
B5 B5 L5 L5 D5 D5 B6 B6
L6 L6 D6 D6 B7 B7 L7 L7
B8 B8 L8 L8 D8 D8 B9 B9
L9 L9 coffee cocoa tea coffee tea cocoa

Happy Hour goodies put in cans with room and recorded. Need to adjust in field and keep good records.