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Coconut Cream Pie from Kathie Brock

1 c. (1/2 box) graham crackers, crushed to crumbs
1/4 c. sugar, packaged with cracker crumbs
2 envelopes (1 small box) Dream whip
2 pkg. vanilla instant pudding, combined with Dream whip
1/4-1/2 c. margarine (in liquid form)
6 oz. shredded coconut, toasted in oven until browned, then cool

For crust, add butter to crust mix, mix well, then press firmly to sides and bottom of baking pan. For filling, whip filling mix vigorously with 3 1/2 cups treated water until fairly thick and fluffy, then fold in coconut. Pour filling into crust, chill or just let sit.

Grasshopper Pie from Jan Keith

2-3 cups chocolate Graham Crackers or plain chocolate cookies (crumbled, in Ziploc bag)
4 pkg. Pistachio flavored instant pudding (makes 8 cups)
2 pkg. milk powder‹enough for 2 quarts

Directions: Make pudding by whisking 7 cups treated water (not 8!) with pudding mix and milk powder. If itıs too thick, add a little more water. Place crumbled cookie crumbs in bottom of rectangular pan and cover with pudding. Let sit. OR simply spoon cookie crumbs on top of individual servings of pudding.

Instant Pudding

4 packages (makes 8 cups)
Requires milk powder. Use 1 cup less water than called for. If itıs too thick, add more water.

Jello Chocolate Silk Pie

2 packages
Requires milk powder and butter or margarine.

Jello Cheese Cake

2 packages
Requires milk powder and butter or margarine.

Chocolate Bars

1 oz. per person
Try Ghiradelli Bittersweet or Semi-Sweet (4 oz. bars) or find your favorite brand.

Shortbread Cookies
2 per person
Try Highland Pride brand (found at Trader Joeıs) or Walkerıs brand.